Practicing changing states. This module is done with an Earth’s Edge Wellness teacher. Once you understand how to move from one state to another, find a safe and private space to practice. Starting with simple and mellow emotions and expanding from there. With time, you gain the confidence and awareness of learning to resolve previous and future experiences in ways that work in your favor.
Start with any prompt in particular: an object, a song, a thought. Notice:
- location in the body
- shape it takes in the body (circle, square, line, half circle, zig zag, a mesh between a few shapes etc.)
- color
- temperature
- size
- movement (direction, twisting, wavy, crisscross etc.)
- substance (solid, steel, liquid, bubbly, earthy, fiery, gaseous, smoke like, sharp, soft, fluffy etc)
- sound
Notice if your awareness alone shifts this. Bring in another prompt or Earth’s Edge Wellness technique and see how things shift yet again. Allow yourself to gradually expand what you call safe and triggering into one category called “pleasant presence”.
Have fun! Be strong and courageously playful and curious!