This breathing technique will help you engage your energy more effectively. All thoughts, memories and future projections are not just notions but real substantial possibilities that lie on a cellular level in us and around our bodies. While these often have psychological, generational and other roots, they are also energetically charged right in our electromagnetic field. We often have enough challenges around us and we needn’t have to fight ourselves unnecessarily as well. The method allows your to strengthen and clear your electromagnetic field. Lastly, it engages the blood reserves that lie near the superior fibers of the trapezius (muscles in between the shoulder and neck). The oxygen rich blood released from there gives you an extra boost as well. When completed. you will feel fresh, light, energized and clear headed.

  • eyes closed on the third eye
  • inhale hands up, exhale hands down, through an 0 shaped mouth
  • fingers are together, arms get raised and lowered from the shoulders, NOT the elbows
  • start with 30 seconds and gradually take things to up to 3 to 5 minutes.
  • to end, follow the instructions at the end of the video